Here we are!

We're just two kids at heart totally in love and enjoying every opportunity life shares with us. Purdue University is our home away from homes for the next year or so. James is working to become Dr. Mitchell in Mechanical Engineering and I'm embarking on a new journey to become Master Mitchell of Human Resource Management this Fall. We have a passion for eating food. That's right, we're foodies. We like to try all kinds of food and I thoroughly enjoy cooking. We love to be outside (especially when it's hot) whether that's playing sports, camping, biking, or just taking a walk around the block. And we're Mormon! God is a huge part of our lives and we are so incredibly blessed by His infinite love. Striving to live Jesus Christ's gospel gives us direction and perspective and brings true happiness.

Please take a peek around the blog and get to know us a little better or just join us for one of our daily adventures.

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