Monday, August 5, 2013

Back to School

Summer days are over for me. Today was my first day of orientation as a newly admitted MSHRM student at Krannert. It would be complete lie if I said I wasn't nervous but the good news is, I had no reason to be, just as James had said. I came home with story after story about all the things we did and the really neat people I met. James was happy that I had such a good experience and that all of my reasons to be worried or nervous were dispelled. He's always really good about encouraging me and believing in me. I know that if it weren't for him pushing me through all of the second guessing and "what if's" I wouldn't be in this program. Any normal person would have been pretty annoyed or irritated by how many times I brought up the grad school vs. getting a job conversation but James was incredibly patient and always knew what to say to help me realize I'm doing the right thing and for that I am truly grateful. This program is going to be extremely challenging and difficult but I know that it will be worth it. With that being said, Boiler Up! for another 18 months!

It's so strange how embarking on this new journey really does remind me of my mission days, except for the clothes part! haha! Actually I have thoroughly been enjoying revamping my wardrobe and I cannot wait to share pictures. TJ Maxx, The Limited, and H&M have been my go-to's lately. Goodwill is on the list for sometime in the next few days. Until then, have a wonderful evening!


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